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Chapter 1: Inicio
Un solo destino.
Inicio .
Mi primer encuentro es con Anubis, el dios egipcio del inframundo, es él quien preside el tribunal del juicio del alma. No tengo mucho que ofrecer, salvo mi armadura de plata y la catana con empuñadura de oro que obtuve posterior a uno de mis duelos sirviendo a mi emperador, ¡Ah, mi catana! Mi fiel consorte de batallas, siempre acompañándome en cada duelo. Desde luego, también tengo el colgante y el broche que mi madre uso el día que contrajo matrimonio con mi padre, los conservo desde el día que murieron. Peor no puedo dárselos, no podría, !jamás podría! Es el único recuerdo palpable que conservo de ellos y jamás me desharé de estos.
If you lose life points, check if you have food in your luggage, you can recover life points by eating. During attacks you can not eat.
Potions are very pretious. You can take them during attacks without losing turns.
If you are a magician, retain some mana in case you need to perform a life recovery spell.
The writer of the game might have forecasted that you are going to make a detour in your path, so that you get more powerful objects or experience, which will help you confront your enemies later. Check that you know all the routes. Some of them may be important.
Some readers despise Charisma, Perception or Intelligence, and focus on Strength, Agility or Constitution. They think that all battles are worth fighting, and that is not always the case. Sometimes you get more experience by avoiding a fight, rather than facing you enemies.
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Do you want to learn how to write your game book?
Saturday, April 11, at 5:00 p.m. (Spanish time), I will teach a free live webinar about how to write an RPG using the tool. It will be broadcast live through Zoom. Sign UpMore information