New character for the story Codex Mutantur

To start reading the story, you must create a character. You must enter the name, add points on the characteristics you want to be better, and upload a picture or image of your character.

[{"id":71,"nombre":"Galgo","defecto":"Galgo","clave":"mascota","descripcion":"Escribe el nombre de tu fiel compa\u00f1ero. Un galgo de pelo corto y \u00e1spero. Haz click en \"Guardar\", y luego contin\u00faa.","inicio":0,"cuento_id":929,"created_at":"2019-04-19 12:35:12","updated_at":"2019-07-28 15:37:49","deleted_at":null},{"id":220,"nombre":"Nombre espiritual","defecto":"V\u00e1stago de la Luna","clave":"nombreespiritual","descripcion":"Escribe tu nombre espiritual, ese por el que el resto de entidades del Reino de las Sombras te conoc\u00edan... y a\u00fan conocen. Luego, haz cick en \"Guardar\".","inicio":0,"cuento_id":929,"created_at":"2019-09-06 20:22:52","updated_at":"2019-10-19 07:46:49","deleted_at":null}]

You have 16 points to be assigned.

0 Attack ?
0 Defense ?
0 Total Life ?
0 Damage ?
0 Absorption ?
You must use all the points to continue.